Presenters, animators, guest speakers, keynote speakers, coaching - Harpo
Inspirational guest speakers, energetic presenters, keynote speakers, animators and coaching for your event – HARPO
HARPO-Speakers Society
Your event gains enormous value and importance (positioning) if you can announce that a prominent speaker will be speaking at it and you also have a theme for your event.
Every event with the necessary allure and class deserves a ‘master of ceremonies’ who supports and/or talks the event with élan. A presenter or hostess who speaks the language of your company, your guests, your product and especially your target group is just the thing for you!
HARPO-Speakers Society has what you are looking for!
HARPO offers via an almost unlimited choice of domestic and foreign ‘keynote speakers‘ and/or guest speakers.
Adventurers, politicians, captains of industry, artists, various specialists, professors…at Speakers Society you will find an enormous choice of ‘inspiring guest speakers on fascinating topics’. You can book such a guest speaker for an hour, half a day or even for a complete seminar/congress/training programme.
What about polar explorer Dixie Dansercoer together with Julie, film maker Stijn Coninx, trend watcher Herman Konings, politician Mark Eyskens, customer specialist Harry van Hest with his ‘Customer Waiver Club’ or a specialist in marketing, time management, … they are only a few mouse clicks away.
Can’t find the speaker or topic of your choice in the list of speakers HARPO has had the pleasure of working with (=> their website)? Then they will be very happy to search for you! After all, such a search is always a worthwhile investment of time and energy for them, as it means an additional addition to their future offerings anyway.
Professionals who roll out the red carpet for the guests and/or the organisers, both verbally and in terms of stage direction.
Whether it’s a party, open door, launch, trade fair, incentive, debate … as organisers, it’s best/best to focus on your guests!
A presenter guarantees you extra comfort and your guests extra appreciation. offers a choice of 150 competent presenters/animators (m/f).
BVs, seniors and juniors are at your disposal. With this, HARPO offers you a choice for any kind of assignment and for any budget.
Speaking at an event in front of 100 or more people is very different from speaking in a small meeting room. How do professionals manage to be so spontaneous in front of a large group, always have the right humour at hand at the right moment, always have the right attitude and above all, how do they deal with stress?