Was that previous team building at work also that boring? This time, take another approach ! Arrange for an adventure that you and your colleagues will never forget! Go for Knokke Boat and choose the pirate life! Have you ever heard of Wavekarting, powerboating or a pokerrun? Knokke Boat opens up a new world for you. And why not end the day with a barbecue on the beach, for example? Get your kicks on the water with Knokke Boat, you’ll be talking about it for years ! Check out everything we do on www.knokkeboat.be.

Knokke Boat is the reference on the Belgian-Dutch North Sea coast for everything concerning motorised water sports. A wide choice of activities and boats, from Cadzand, Zeebrugge and on request other ports, for friends and family as well as for companies.
Hire a boat with or without skipper, come and enjoy a sailing course or sail with friends or colleagues with our Wavekarts. Or do you prefer spotting seals and dolphins on the North Sea?

For whom?

Our customers are very different: they are people who want to know everything about motorboats, who love nature, who enjoy speed, water sports enthusiasts, friends or families who are planning a trip…
Then there are those who have a boating licence, have their boat moored abroad but still want to go out for a day and have a good time with friends or family.

And then there are companies who want to offer their employees something special: an adventurous teambuilding. You leave all your worries behind immediately when you cleave to the waves on such a boat.

What is there to experience? What appeals to our clients:

  • a visit to the seals on the Belgian/Dutch border,
  • a trip at sea to the Thornton wind farm,
  • a stop at the Oesterput in Blankenberge,
  • a stop at Njord in Zeebrugge,
  • a stop at Air Republic in Cadzand.
  • How about sailing to Vlissingen, Terneuzen or even Antwerp?
  • And not to forget: watching the fireworks at sea at the end of August in Knokke-Heist, with a glass of champagne and some tapas.

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